
What is medical malpractice?

When you entrust a doctor with your healthcare, there is a level of obligation that a professional has to you. He or she must follow certain standards in providing care and treat you in a manner that puts your safety first. When a doctor or other health professional fails in the duty of care, it […]

Egregious medical malpractice errors in the news

Medical errors happen on a regular basis in hospitals and doctors’ offices throughout the world. The reasons for these range from such things as tired medical professionals to systemic problems related to a flawed process. Occasionally, though, some errors result in mistakes and legal judgments that become well known to society. Brain operation on the […]

What are some causes of medication errors?

Taking the right medication for whatever condition you have may help you deal with symptoms or perhaps even set you on a path to recovery. Conversely, taking the wrong medicine may subject you to dangerous health problems. Some people even succumb to the deadly side effects of the medication they should never have taken. In […]

How long should doctors spend with patients?

You understand that there are several things that make you unique and distinct from anyone else in New York. Knowing this, you also likely comprehend that your medical care will unlikely be exactly like that of someone else (even if that “someone else” suffers from the same or a similar condition). However, standards of care […]

What are “heuristics?”

Whenever you present for medical treatment in New York, you likely do so feeling confident that the provider treating is more than up to the task at identifying, diagnosing and treating your condition. Yet while the resulting care often justifies that confidence, the potential of suffering from a medical misdiagnosis is ever-present. How is it […]

About 20% of patients with serious conditions misdiagnosed

You know when something feels off within your body. However, you may not know what is causing your pain or discomfort or what you might do to fix it. You may count on your New York doctor to figure out what is ailing you and what you need to do to make it better. Yet, […]

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